Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Couple About Airplanes

From this Altitude...

from this altitude that sand down there
by that blue blue sidewinding whatever of water
looks like some fossilized flames
set down and streaked
and smeared
by a lot of "nobody gives a fuck"
just left there
blurry and swept with detailing
laying down for some solar panels
and some kind of road and
those ugly mountains with their crushed
and crushing attitudes and
i feel like i want to feel like i'm
Rod Serling or some such
and i point down there
and i ask,
"Hey, do you think any cool kids hang out there ever?"

and there's just a fat quiet
a fat, warm, smelly quiet sitting beside me
and i say,
"Man, I hope so."


You Can Fart...

you can fart on a cramped, tiny airplane
- a schoolbus with wings, really -
right next to me
and I guess that's cool
but I feel like you should accompany it
with some important detail about yourself
maybe your Zodiac sign - but only if you
believe in that shit
Otherwise tell me about a recurring nightmare
from childhood, or where you got your
first kiss, or what it was the kids
used to call you to really paint the
Face of Death in your gut
to really get all your ends curling inward.
Tell me why you quit that thing you
wish you'd never quit and walked away from
We're sitting too close for anything less, man.
Our knees are touching
and you just farted.

And there's at least another hour left in this
squished-up little crinkle of sky.
Before it's over, I'll probably even need to tell you
a little something about myself.

those are for Ryan. fly safe, man.


  1. Seriously, thanks dude. These are great. You haven't lived until you've spent 10 hours next to a fat smelly quiet.

    The second one I live just about every time I board an airplane. :/

  2. 2nd reminds me of a time i got sick the morning of a flight, and became "that guy" on the plane. i did not share any information about myself with my unfortunate, mistreated fellow passengers. i just tried futilly to hide and acknowledge that i knew i was "that guy".

    1st would be good to go with the opening credits to "Up In The Air".


  3. sorry to bring up bad memories, Brin. whenever i feel the need to let one go on an airplane, i excuse myself to the lavatory. but i think i'd be understanding of special circumstances.

    anyway, thanks for reading and enjoying.

  4. I really like "You can fart...", especially the last line!

  5. i like the line about what the kids called me to paint the face of death in (on? what did you say?) my gut.
