Thursday, April 8, 2010

He Straightens His Tie

And he straightens his tie
and adjusts his collar like
he's got X-Ray Vision but wishes
he didn't
like he's made of steel but would
rather know what it feels like
to get cut
just to at least know he's got
some blood swishing around
inside him.
The X-Ray Vision doesn't work
on mirrors
and you can tell he doesn't
listen to Hip Hop
and he probably calls it
"Rap Music" like he doesn't
even know nor care what "rap" means
like he's never actually thought about it
and he doesn't actually consider it to be "music."
He probably calls it "Rap Music" like
he might as well be putting scary pictures
on magazine covers and
knocking over tenements
maybe with people still inside them.

And he thinks this whole
thing he's got going on is
a burden because maybe
he doesn't believe in blessings
at all - mixed, sacred or

And he'll never be the Man of Tomorrow.
No matter how much we need him to be.

another sorta recent one.

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